ESGO 2019 Congress

Webcasts & More on ESGO eAcademy


Missed ESGO 2019?

The congress webcasts collections are available on
ESGO's eAcademy.

Watch ESGO 2019 Collection Now!

The collection includes free viewing of the 100+ webcasts* of the most prominent sessions in the programme, as well as the webcasts* of the Industry Supported Sessions.



*Open only to ESGO Members and registered eAcademy subscribers

First time eAcademy users? Register for a free account to view the ESGO 2017 congress webcasts and other Free collections open to non-members.    

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ESGO eAcademy: Exclusive Gynaecological Oncology Collections

ESGO Gynaecological Oncology eAcademy, the official knowledge portal of ESGO, is a powerful resource featuring a wide range of educational content developed by the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology over the years.

ESGO Members and premium subscribers can access hundreds of educational resources by topic, speaker, event: Congress Webcasts, Learning Quizzes, eLectures, eCourses, GuidelinesPostgraduate Surgical Videos, Textbooks and more.


Interested in viewing the ESGO 2019 webcasts ?

Explore the ESGO eAcademy Now!

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