Glass with the Expert

Onsite & Virtual Opportunities

ESGO 2021 offers the opportunity to interact with the expert of your choice, to ask and to learn about their specialised field.

Selected Topics below are available for Online Access, to register please contact us

New: Virtual Round Tables Oct 29-30, 2021

List of Topics

  • Friday, October 29, 2021, at 17:30 CEST

    Hot topics in MRI, PET and CT in gynae cancer imaging

Andrea Rockall (United Kingdom)

  • Friday, Oct 29, 2021, at 18.30 CEST

Fertility sparing surgery for stage I cervical cancer

Nadeem Abu-Rustum (United States)

  • Saturday, Oct 30, 2021, at 14.00 CEST

Targeted therapy in endometrial cancer

Shannon Westin (United States)


* List of Topics and speakers as of Oct 26, 2021

Reserve Your Place with the Expert

Check out the list of topics and experts below, and enroll for a topic of your choice as you register for ESGO 2021*.

Seating is limited and will be on a ‘first come first served’ basis.

Get a head start and Register for ESGO 2021!!


Round Tables Oct 24: 18:30 - 19:30

List of Topics

  • Round table 1: Surgical approaches to radical hysterectomy

Pedro T. Ramirez (United States)

  • Round table 2: Fertility sparing surgery for stage I cervical cancer

Nadeem Abu-Rustum (United States)

  • Round table 3

Marc Arbyn (Belgium)

  • Round table 4: Targeted therapy in endometrial cancer

Shannon Westin (United States)

  • Round table 5: Diagnostic aspects of the molecular endometrial cancer classification

Tjalling Bosse (Netherlands)

  • Round table 6: Treatment of recurrent ovarian clear cell carcinomas

David Tan (Singapore)

  • Round table 7: Adjuvant treatment of endometrial cancer

Nicoletta Colombo (Italy)

  • Round table 8: HPV vaccination after treatment

Elmar Joura (Austria)

  • Round table 9

Amit Oza (Canada)

  • Round table 10: Hot topics in MRI, PET and CT in gynae cancer imaging

Andrea Rockall (United Kingdom)


* List of Topics and speakers as of Oct 18, 2021

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