ePoster Submission Instructions for Authors

ePoster Preparation Guidelines

  • PowerPoint file or PDF file- landscape format (ratio of 16/9 ideal)
  • Not password-protected
  • One (1) Slide only
  • Standard ePosters are free to upload; however, if you wish to embed a video to your poster, the cost of this is 25.00€ which should be paid during the submission process.
  • ESGO encourages you to use the ePoster templates - download here. Nevertheless, the use of templates is not mandatory and presenters are free to submit their own designs and color schemes.

ePoster Submission Instructions

  • Please click here to submit your ePoster.
  • Use your email provided during the submission as your username.
  • If you need to set/reset your password please follow this link.
  • Deadline for poster submission: October 4, 2021 (all time zones)

Audio Narration (Strongly Encouraged)

You will be able to add audio narration to your ePoster sections, during the final review step.
To learn more about this feature, see this demo: ePoster with audio narration on sections & embedded video.
Tutorials on how to record your audio narration per section are also available

Any Questions?

Please contact the team at

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