Welcome Letter


Dear friends, dear colleagues,

These are unprecedented times as our globalised world was in a few weeks turned upside down by an invisible enemy, but we must adapt and continue to be positive. Fortunately, ESGO has remained strong during this period, and its members and officers have organised many educational events that have attracted many hundreds of delegates.


We have continued to work hard to prepare for the upcoming ESGO 2021 Congress undaunted by the challenges we currently face, looking forward to the time when the ESGO network can again be together to listen, discuss and exchanges ideas.


We very much look forward to your participation in the 22nd European Congress on Gynaecological Oncology, which will take place from 23rd to 25th October 2021 in Prague. We are confident it will again be an excellent meeting bringing together friends and colleagues within the large gynaecological cancer community after a long period of absence.


Surgical approaches have also been subjected to changes and individualisation, based on both tumour characteristics and patients’ needs. Conservative surgical procedures in selected cases with the intent to preserve fertility have been developed. Radical surgery when indicated has also evolved, representing the cornerstone of the management of gynaecological cancer patients.


The Congress builds on the success of our previous conferences in Vienna in 2017 (when we welcomed 3201 participants) and in Athens in 2019 (with 3180 attendees). A summary of the main topics of this full scientific programme, will be soon available on the ESGO congress web site.


The programme format follows our previous meetings from Saturday to Monday, with up to 4 parallel sections. It has been developed by our Scientific Programme Committee and Council taking account of the excellent feedback and suggestions we have received from our ESGO members and congress attendees.


As before, part of the programme is specifically designed for young clinicians by ENYGO. In addition, there will be a one-day masterclass in Clinical Trials designed by ESGO and ENGOT, aimed particularly for those working in trial delivery and administrative support as well as young clinical investigators. Patient organisations will again be well represented with a two-day patient seminar programme being put together by ENGAGe.


The Czech Republic is one of the safest countries in the world. According to the 2020 GLOBAL PEACE INDEX, which is a snapshot of the global state of peace, it ranked 8th in front of Japan and Switzerland. Prague, with its exceptional scenery, is a centre of culture containing one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, home of Havel, Mozart and Dvořák, and with one of the best-preserved historical city centres.

The congress venue is located close to Vyšehrad castle and in walking distance from the city centre. It is well-equipped and has a capacity for 10,000 participants, meeting all ESGO’s needs.


We are looking forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing you all in person in Prague in 2021.


With best wishes,

David Cibula

Congress President

Philippe Morice

ESGO President

Jonathan Ledermann

Scientific Programme Committee Chair


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