Call for Abstracts and Videos

Publication of Abstracts

All accepted abstracts have been published in the online supplement of the International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer.

You can view the list of accepted Late-breaking abstracts here

For the paper abstracts please view the following list.

Abstract Submission Overview


  • The submission for abstracts and surgical videos is closed.
  • Information about acceptance/rejection of the abstracts has been sent to the authors.

For the list of accepted abstracts please click here.

Deadline for poster submission: October 4, 2021 (all time zones).

Please note that all e-posters will be available on the Congress Mobile App and on a special website. It is mandatory to submit an electronic file (PDF) of your e-poster.

If your abstract has been accepted as a paper poster, please note that the author is requested to submit an e-poster as well.

Abstract topics

  1. Cervical cancer
  2. Diagnostics
  3. Endometrial cancer
  4. Fertility/Pregnancy
  5. Miscellaneous
  6. Ovarian cancer
  7. Palliative care
  8. Pathology
  9. Prevention of gynaecologic cancer
  10. Quality of life after treatment
  11. Translational research
  12. Trophoblastic diseases
  13. Vaginal and vulvar cancer
  14. Organization of gynaecological cancer care


Participants of Patient advocacy seminar only:

  1. Patient advocacy abstract


Instructions for authors of abstract

  • Abstracts can only be submitted via the online form, abstracts submitted by fax or email will not be accepted.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in English, using UK English spelling.
  • The presenting author of an accepted abstract must register and attend the congress.
  • The number of submissions is limited to 3 per presenting author.
  • The number of authors is limited to 20 per abstract.
  • Provide a short specific title indicating the scientific content of the abstract. The background and goals of the study should appear clearly to the reader. The methods need to outline patient group, methods applied, statistical considerations, if applicable. Results must contain data (except for Late Breaking abstracts [LBA]- see below), and the conclusion should be clearly expressed. The following structure will be required:
    • Introduction/Background*
    • Methodology
    • Results*
    • Conclusion*
    • Disclosures* (online recording via the submission form)
    • *mandatory fields
  • The title may not exceed 150 characters. The abstract text may not be longer than 350 words (excluding title, authors and disclosures).
  • All abbreviations must be defined the first time they appear in the text (but do not define in the title).
  • Tables, charts and other graphics (maximum 2/abstract) are permitted and must be in high resolution JPG or JPEG format.
  • Please submit short video preview file MP4, WMW, AVI, MPEG (up to 5 minutes long and maximally 500MB) for Video Presentation.
  • Authors should indicate their presentation type preference:
    • Oral presentation preferred
    • Paper poster presentation (in-person part)
    • E-poster only
    • Video presentation
    • Oral presentation in the ENYGO young investigator session (only for authors up to 40 years)
    • Patient advocacy abstract (only for ENGAGe members)
    • Place holder for LBA


The Programme committee reserves the right to decide on the final allocation and presentation method.


  • Disclosure of potential conflict of interest (e.g., grant support, consultancy, membership on advisory councils, speaker’s bureau) by all authors and source of funding are mandatory. Each listed author should prepare a one sentence statement that will be published with the abstract. All disclosures should be listed within the last 3 year (via online COI form).
  • Abstracts submitted via commercial entities will be considered. However, these abstracts should report results from collaborative research conducted by independent (non-commercial) investigators. Investigators, as contributing authors who are employees of commercial entities will only be accepted if independent (academic, clinical and/or scientific) investigators are included as authors. The presenting author should not be an employee of the company.
  • Systematic review/meta-analysis abstracts are acceptable.
  • Trials in progress can be accepted as posters/e-posters but will not be accepted as oral presentations. These should not previously have been presented elsewhere.
  • Encore abstracts (previously presented at a recent international meeting) can be accepted; however, they should be modified and include some new data if possible.
  • If several abstracts are based on similar analyses of the same database and one of them is selected for oral presentation, the authors might be asked to combine some/all data into one presentation.
  • Case reports for single cases will not be accepted unless they contain substantial translational work.
  • Late Breaking Abstracts (LBA) are reserved for newly emerging data that is not available at the time of abstract submission. These could be for initial presentation of results, or significant secondary endpoint analyses. A placeholder LBA must be submitted containing the title, background, methods and type of results that will be presented. LBA will not be accepted at a later date unless a shell abstract has been submitted.

Key Reasons to Submit Your Abstract


  • Showcase Your Research on A Global Stage: Discuss and share your findings with over 3000 international peers from 90+ countries.
  • Gain Visibility: All accepted abstracts will be published in an online supplement to the International Journal of Gynecological Cancers (IJGC)*.
  • Opportunity for oral presentation: Authors of outstanding abstracts will have the opportunity to present their work in diverse sessions at the ESGO 2021 congress.
  • Are you a fellow, trainee or under 40? Special opportunities for young investigators, who have an exceptional research, to present their work at the ESGO 2021 Congress.



Interested to explore ESGO's 2019  congress abstracts?

More than 1,300 abstracts available through IJGC*.

All accepted abstracts (including Late-breaking abstracts) have been published in the online supplement of the International Journal of Gynaecological Cancer




*  The International Journal of Gynecological Cancer (IJGC) is the official journal of ESGO, an international journal, devoted to the publication of clinical and investigative articles that concern tumors of the female reproductive tract.

Any Questions?

If you have questions regarding abstracts or need assistance,

please contact:

ESGO Office
Tel: +420 725 537 730

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